The Five Tankers of Innovation: An OV-1 for AUiX—Fueling Innovation…A Synchronized Approach to Problem Solving

A few years ago, a pivotal meeting unfolded that would chart the course for the Air University Innovation Accelerator (AUiX). It was a gathering that brought together the keen minds of Lt Col TJ Ablay, Cadet (now 2nd Lieutenant) Abigail “AP” Carter, and myself, each of us had a shared vision to redefine the landscape of military innovation and problem solving. Our objective was ambitious yet clear: to conceptualize an OV-1 (High Level Operational Concept Graphic) that could encapsulate the essence and operational blueprint of AUiX.

The room was charged with an air of energy, honestly fueled a bit by cynicism and sarcasm as we embarked on this intellectual journey. Discussions flowed, ideas clashed and melded, and the whiteboard became a canvas for our collective imagination. AP repeated several times–I don’t get it.  About 30 minutes into our brainstorming session, I stepped out, handed the dry earase pens to AP and said just put your thoughts on the board and hence leaving the creative synergy of Cadet Carter and Lt Col Ablay to simmer (or maybe boil). Little did I know, the brief interlude would prove to be a crucible for innovation.

Upon my return, I was greeted with a sight that was nothing short of astounding. The conceptual genius of Cadet Carter, combined with the seasoned expertise of Lt Col Ablay, had given birth to a groundbreaking framework. They had distilled the complex dynamics of innovation into a deceptively simple yet profoundly effective model: the five tankers of innovation. This model portrayed innovation as a robust engine powered by the synergistic interplay of funding, contracting, partnerships, networks, and manpower.

This seminal moment marked the birth of a new paradigm for problem-solving within AUiX. The five tankers concept transcended traditional boundaries, offering a holistic and integrative approach to fostering innovation. It was a testament to the power of collaborative creativity and the potential of guided expertise to yield transformative insights.

As we delved deeper into the implications of this model, it became evident that we were on the cusp of something almost revolutionary. The five tankers were not merely components; they were the lifeblood of the innovation process, each essential in its own right yet exponentially more powerful when operating in concert. This model offered a blueprint for navigating the complexities of innovation, ensuring that AUiX could effectively harness the diverse resources at its disposal to drive change and bring groundbreaking solutions to the forefront.

In retrospect, that meeting was a defining moment for AUiX. It underscored the importance of fostering an environment where creative ideas can flourish, guided by the wisdom of experience. The concept of the five tankers of innovation, born from the collaborative genius of that day, continues to be a cornerstone of AUiX’s approach to problem-solving, propelling us toward a future where innovation knows no bounds.


In the realm of academic and military innovation, the Air University Innovation Accelerator (AUiX) stands as a beacon of progressive thought and action. At its core, AUiX operates on a unique conceptual model that likens the process of innovation to a sophisticated engine fueled by five metaphorical tankers: funding, contracting, partnerships, networks, and manpower. This model underscores the intricate interplay of these elements, each indispensable in driving the engine of innovation and problem-solving forward.

Funding: The Prime Mover

Funding is the lifeblood of any innovation initiative. At AUiX, it represents, what might be considered, the primary tanker, essential for getting projects off the ground. Strategic allocation of resources ensures that innovative ideas are not just conceived but also brought to fruition. However, the challenge lies in the effective management and allocation of these funds, ensuring they are directed towards ventures with the highest potential for impact and growth.

Contracting: The Regulatory Mechanism

Contracting in the AUiX framework acts as the regulatory mechanism, controlling the flow of resources and ensuring compliance with legal and organizational standards. It provides a structured pathway for engaging with external entities, mitigating risks, and safeguarding intellectual property. This tanker must operate seamlessly with funding, ensuring that financial resources translate into actionable projects without legal or bureaucratic impediments.

Partnerships: The Catalyst for Synergy

Partnerships are the catalysts that amplify the impact of innovation efforts. By forging alliances with academia, industry, and other military units, AUiX transcends organizational boundaries, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and resources. These collaborations bring diverse perspectives to the table, sparking creativity and uncovering opportunities that might not be evident in isolation.

Networks: The Connectivity Grid

The networks tanker symbolizes the extensive connectivity required to nurture and spread innovative ideas. AUiX leverages both formal and informal networks to disseminate best practices, share knowledge, and solicit feedback. This connectivity ensures that innovations are not siloed but rather diffused across the broader ecosystem, enhancing their reach and potential for adoption.

Manpower: The Human Capital

Manpower, the final tanker, underscores the critical role of human capital in the innovation process. AUiX is deeply aware that the most sophisticated technologies and abundant resources are futile without the creativity, expertise, and drive of people. Investing in talent development, fostering a culture of creativity, and empowering individuals to take initiative are pivotal strategies to ensure that the human element fuels the engine of innovation effectively.

The Engine of Innovation: A Synchronized Symphony

For change and innovation to materialize, AUiX recognizes that each of these tankers must not only be fully loaded but also synchronized to deliver fuel into the innovation engine efficiently. The interdependence of these elements means that a shortfall in one area can stifle the entire process. It is only through a harmonious operation that these diverse resources can be converted into tangible innovations that address real-world problems.

In the end, the AUiX approach to problem-solving embodies a holistic and integrated perspective, where funding, contracting, partnerships, networks, and manpower are not viewed in isolation but as interconnected cogs in the larger machinery of innovation. By ensuring these metaphorical tankers are well-coordinated and collectively fueling the engine, AUiX paves the way for groundbreaking solutions that have the power to transform both military and academic landscapes.

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