Give The People What They Want (w/4 simple concepts): DeMarco Banter

“You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want.”  ― Zig Ziglar …so give the people what they want -Ray Davies, The Kinks I am sure all leaders sit through meetings where we ask— "How do we create, assess, mentor, and advise new leaders?"  The …

Four Paradoxes of Leadership: DeMarco Banter

par·a·dox ˈparəˌdäks/ noun noun: paradox; plural noun: paradoxes a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory."a potentially serious conflict between quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity known as the information paradox"  I love a good paradox, and in …

The Lycaeum the Aristotelian School of Leadership–Neo DeMarcoian Thought

We had a post a few months back pondering what Aristotle teaches us about leadership, but at the same time we have been pondering ancient schools of leadership—we’ve pondered Plato’s Academy, The Jedi Praxium, and today we will ponder Aristotle’s Lyceum.   HISTORY The Lycaeum was a temple dedicated to Apollo Lyceus ("Apollo the wolf-god"). …