Check Your “Bench”… Who’s Next on the Field? Neo-DeMarcoian Thought

  Something I have been passionate about for some time now is empowering the 2nd string...or checking your bench. Your 1st string players will really (for the most part) take care of themselves--they have risen to the occasion and are on a strong path and a positive trajectory. But what about the second string... who …

Leadership: Machiavelli The Misunderstood: Neo-DeMarcoian Thought

Personality has a lot to do with how we understand Niccolo Machiavelli.  We have talked about how misunderstood the man may have been here on the blog many times.  Recently I picked up a somewhat newer translation of The Prince with an introduction by Tom Butler-Bowdon and reading through Butler-Bowdon's intro it only confirms my …

Thucydides, The Plague of Athens, COVID-19 and Leadership–DeMarco Banter

With Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) we find ourselves in interesting times—one might even say unprecedented; but I work with academics, and this was mentioned on a text the other day to which the response was, "These are actually precedented times."   What does that even mean? Unprecedented: never done or known before. Precedented: Provided with or having …