Core Value:  Integrity—DeMarco Banter

30_rock_construction_charles_ebbetsI am blessed to have the opportunity to work with future leaders as I teach several courses on leadership, command, and innovation.  One of the first assignments is a piece on THE most important leadership trait or characteristic.  Integrity usually appears at the top of the list.

When a leader places integrity at the top of his/her list, I always ask, “What does integrity mean to you?”  The answers are varied and some will default to the USAF standard of “doing the right thing when nobody is looking.”

Integrity is oneness.  The word “integrity” stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). In this context, integrity is the inner sense of “wholeness” deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character.  As such, one may judge that others “have integrity” to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs, and principles they claim to hold.

05768977Foto_BigPonder a steel beam.  A steel beam has integrity when its purpose, its design, its manufacture, and its use are aligned. So to have integrity, a beam must be designed and manufactured for a specific purpose—and it must actually be used toward that purpose. We can count on a beam like that, even to bear a heavy and important load, because all its existence is in alignment.

Though considerably more complex and wondrous than a steel beam, we leaders need alignment too, to have the kind of integrity demanded of us. We were all built and designed for specific purposes:

We all have natural talents and unique passions.  Each of us, our purposes, our design, and the way we’re built are always aligned. Unlike the beam, however, we choose our uses. We decide how to spend our lives. If we ask and search, listen and discover what we were meant to do—we bring our lives into full alignment. If we strike out on our own, though, and follow the world’s “oughts” into other uses altogether, we commit ourselves to living lives of misalignment and an utter lack of wholeness.

Perhaps a slightly different way of looking at integrity—does it work?

4 Replies to “Core Value:  Integrity—DeMarco Banter”

  1. The analogy works for me, Bill. Two particular thoughts that I have derived from it. First, the explanation of alignment also supports the idea that authenticity is a critical ingredient of common good leadership. The second is that like steel beams that are designed for specific uses, which we can interpret as within a framework, structure, climate, or environment, the success of leaders is dependent upon their fit within the framework, structure, climate, or environment. We have all seen individuals succeed in one place, be promoted or headhunted, and fail in the next job due their style and mindset not working in the new situation. As you very well highlight, the difference is that we have a choice. It also helps to have a good support team around us to keep us aware of our strengths and talents as well as what works well and what doesn’t. Alignment is not an individual sport but a conscientious team effort.

  2. Always in the top 3 values I seek in people. Integrity together with Courage and Endeavour make up my ICE challenge. You could refer to them as foundation stones, keystones, building blocks for your organisation culture. ICE cubes?

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